
This microstory is a thought experiment about traveling and seeing oneself at the other end of a wormhole.

Who am I? Who is the real me? Are we both 'me'? Is the question valid in the first place? If you have solidifed a viewpoint, feel free to read the palindromic story backwards or invert the perspective of the subject falling/emerging through a wormhole.

Inspired by ideas from I am a Strange Loop and Reasons and Persons.

I am Chris.

Who am I?

Confused, I see a partial reflection of myself…

Staring back at myself on the other end…

My consciousness fades in and out…

As I continue to fall through the wormhole…

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As I continue to fall through the wormhole…

My consciousness fades in and out…

Staring back at myself on the other end…

Confused, I see a partial reflection of myself…

Who am I?

I am Chris.